
July 2015 Bitten by a dog
A dog approached and bit me. That was not a kind of dog released in a park and running around. The first one I met was when I was preaching a message to marine high school students who came to Oakland, New Zealand on a fishery ship from Japan. It was my first experience to give a message to such a big crowd. A boatswain of the fishery ship suddenly appeared and spoke all kinds of verbal abuse. I was stunned. A student in the front row stood up and said to me, “Don’t mind him. He is a crazy chap. Please do continue.”
▼Since then, I have been barked and bitten hatefully by dogs several times. When I picked a phone call one day, the caller shouted at me saying “why did you mail me this shitty stuff!” There continued lengthy abusive words. Alas! It was not a howling in distance. It was an extremely loud howling right into my ear drum. Yes, I did mail our newsletter to the caller because he/she attended our general assembly last time. What was wrong with him/her?
▼“Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you.” Matthew 7:6
I must admit that I don’t possess a skill to judge whether or not a person is the dog described in the verse above. I intended to feed a tasty meal but the dog turned to rip up everything to pieces.
After all, it is a strange comparison of a wild bear that runs away hearing a whistle and a dog that is attracted to the sound of a whistle and come close.


畠田 秀生
畠田 秀生